電影資料館 試片會 + 特映會!!!
10/28 , 19:00 吸血鬼少女大戰科學女怪人
10/29 , 19:00 一鏡到底之人體炸彈
10/30 , 19:00 心靈戰火
10/31 , 19:00 歡樂分隊
試片地點:財團法人國家電影料館,台北巿青島東路 7 號 4 樓
洽詢電話: (02) 2392 4243
(1) 、限本館年費會員 e-mail 預約參加。意者請於各場放映前 24 小時,
寄預約信至 ctfa74pb@gmail.com ,主旨欄請註明:會員姓名 _ 預約片名。
(2) 、每人限預約 1 場。本館最遲將於各場開始前 12 小回覆預約信。
11/3(二) 7:30p.m. 靈魂冷凍庫
11/4(三),7:30 p.m. 戀獄天堂
自即日起申辦本館一年期新會員,將可獲贈台北金馬影展特映券 2 張 ( 半年期 1 張 ) ,
洽詢電話:(02) 2392 4243 分機20/22
吸血鬼少女大戰科學女怪人 Vampire Girl vs. Frankenstein Girl
日 Japan │ 2009 │ Digibeta │ Colour │ 85m in │西村喜廣、友松直之 Nishimura Yoshihiro, Tomomatsu Naoyuki
2009 蒙特婁奇幻影展精力大獎
2009 紐約亞洲電影節
2009 富川奇幻影展
一顆情人節巧克力讓校園帥哥成了轉學生的不死戀人,卻教糾纏不清的女同學作鬼也不甘休,於是青春校園成了魔咒地獄,吸血鬼後裔為愛決戰人體變形金剛。全片 cult 到最高點,愛到「血花」四濺,《咒怨》導演清水崇喬裝 國文 老師說文解字,讓你笑到岔氣流鼻血。遲到觀眾要小心,因為你將錯失史上最誇張的血腥開場。
High school student Mizushima receives Valentines Day chocolates from, Monami. Little did Mizushima know that the chocolates contained traces of Monami's vampire blood. He gets infected and Monami confesses that she wants to live with him forever as vampires. Mizushima's girlfriend, Keiko, teases Monami relentlessly. While attempting to uncover Monami's greatest weakness, Keiko finds out her true identity as a vampire.
一鏡到底之人體炸彈 PVC-1
哥倫比亞 Colombia │ 2007 │ DigiBeta │ Colour │ 85m in │斯皮洛斯特森路普洛斯 Spiros Stathoulopoulos
2007 坎城影展羅馬城市獎
2007 希臘奧斯卡銀亞歷山大獎、最佳男主角、影評人費比西獎、觀眾票選獎
2008 泰國曼谷電影節最佳影片
Shot in one, continuous take, PVC-1 is inspired by the true story of an innocent woman's struggle for survival after she is fitted with a collar-bomb. In Colombia , a woman and her family became the victim of an unusual act of terrorism. Unable to pay a ransom, the mother is turned into a human time bomb and is now trapped in a physical and mental circumstance from which she and her family try to break free.
歡樂分隊 Joy Division
英、美 UK, USA │ 2007 │ DigiBeta │ Colour │ 93m in │葛蘭吉 Grant Gee
2007 多倫多影展
打從主唱伊恩柯提斯上吊自殺的那一刻,曼徹斯特後龐克樂團「歡樂分隊」註定成為史上最短命、卻影響後世最深的經典樂團。由電台司令紀錄片《 Meeting People Is Easy 》名導葛蘭吉掌鏡,本片訪遍了所有關鍵人物與歷史地點,藉由他們現身說法,揭開這個傳奇樂團的神祕面紗。本片還搜集許多從未曝光的現場實況,猶如一齣真人版的《控制》,是英倫搖滾迷的必看之作。
Joy Division examines the band's story as depicted through never-before-seen live performance footage, personal photos, period films and newly discovered audiotapes. With poignant narratives from Bernard Sumner, Peter Hook and Stephen Morris, as well as Belgian journalist Annik Honore who speaks for the first time about her relationship with Ian Curtis, the film is a fresh visual account of a unique time and place.
心靈戰火 Life During Wartime
美 USA │ 2009 │ DigiBeta │ Colour │ 96m in │陶德索倫茲 Todd Solondz
2009 威尼斯影展最佳劇本
2009 多倫多影展
In revisiting his darkly comic 1998 ensembler "Happiness," Todd Solondz may have made his best film with Life During Wartime . Separated from her incarcerated husband Bill, Trishis about to be married again. Bill is a pedophile, so Trish couldn't be more excited to have Harvey, a "normal" father figure for her two sons. But when Bill is released from prison and the boys finally meet their future stepdad, the family is forced to decide whether to forgive or to forget.
戀獄天堂 Heaven on Earth
加 Canada │ 2008 │ 35m m │ Colour │ 106m in │蒂帕梅塔 Deepa Mehta
2008 多倫多影展、 2008 芝加哥影展最佳女演員
In the latest film from Oscar-nominated Deepa Mehta, Chand journeys from India to Canada to marry Rocky, a man she has never met, and to live with her husband's extended family in Brampton . Trapped between tradition and the desire for happiness, she retreats into a parallel mythical world. But when myth and reality collide, Chand must choose between duty and freedom.
靈魂冷凍庫 Cold Souls
美 USA │ 2009 │ 35m m │ Colour │ 101m in │蘇菲巴瑟斯 Sophie Barthes
2009 卡羅維瓦利影展最佳男主角
After intense rehearsals of Chekhov's "Uncle Vanya", Paul is emotionally drained. He stumbles upon a "Soul Storage", a private lab offering New Yorkers something intriguing: a relief from the burden of their souls. Paul decides to get his soul extracted, which guides him into a strange dreamlike world.
申辦本館新會員,詳情請上電影資料館官方網站: http://www.ctfa.org.tw/